Grant Application Support

The Clinical Research Facility has been very successful in working with investigators to secure numerous funding applications to a variety of Funding Schemes (including Horizon 2020, HRB Definitive Intervention and Feasibility Awards (DIFA), HRB Investigator Led Projects Award (ILP), etc.)

We are available to support applications to such funding award schemes as resources allow. We can provide advice and assistance on:

  • Research Design and Methodology
  • Biostatistics
  • Project management (including gantt charts)
  • Project Budgets and costings

If you are interested in applying for funding (such as Horizon 2020, HRB Definitive Intervention and feasibility Award (DIFA), HRB Training Fellowships for Healthcare Professionals (HPF), etc) and you would like the Wellcome HRB Clinical Research Facility to support your application, please contact Mr Jeremy Towns (Program Manager)